I’ve had these characters hanging around for a while now, but each time I tried to write them they always petered out… It was never right. Alison and Celia Griffin fought back each time I tried to put them into a book. They didn’t like what I had in store for them, and each time […]

writers map

The Ideas Bible

Recently I had an amazing catchup with my writing buddy Renee Dahlia (http://www.reneedahlia.com/) who is well on her way to becoming a prolific romance author. Now I do romance as part of my overall plots, and I love to read them, but it’s not my jam to write. My jam is fantasy, as well you

The Ideas BibleRead More »

Last week, while on a zoom with a few friends on mine, one asked “what are you writing?” I was a bit stunned at the question. I’m always writing, to start with, but also I didn’t realise this particular friend knew that I wrote at all. “Anything sci fi?” they asked. “Yeah,” I said. “A

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At the end of last year, my family had decided that we would go for a family holiday to Fiji in June. We had it all planned: flights, accommodation, swimming costumes and blow-up rings for the kids to float around in. We were all looking forward to the break. But then along comes a global

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toilet roll castle


During February, we heard rumours of this Coronavirus thing. We shared jokes about Corona beer and thought it wouldn’t come to much. During March, it was declared a pandemic and everyone started stockpiling toilet paper. My kids got sick from a generic daycare virus, and we stayed home just to be safe. A week later,

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Smashing it Out

I got halfway through a second draft the other day and then stopped, unable to think of how to go next. When this happens, I usually put it aside, let my brain do some thinking, and pick up something else. In this case: another first draft that needed a second swing. So I picked up

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Bread and Thunder

2007 Entry into a short story competition that unfortunately did not win because apparently short story adjudicators don’t like fantasy… I hung up my oilskin with relief. It dripped on Bruce’s bunyip, who scrabbled closer to the door and watched me suspiciously. I sat down, elbows on the bar, as my staff balanced itself on

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burst blood vessel in eye

I have shed blood enough to soak this dark soil four feet deep I have shed skin enough to fill a bathtub until it overflows and drips and covers the bathroom floor in an ooze of epidermals Enough of my hair fell and balled into the carpet to weave a carpet of its own I

Nice Girls Don’t BleedRead More »