A Plague of Dragons

A Plague of Dragons

(Originally “Green and Blue”)

Everything is going wrong for Ashleigh.
Despite years of training at the Mage Academy, she can’t perform a practical spell without setting something on fire, and the only person who still believes in her is murdered before her eyes.
There’s a plague in the crops to the East, and red dragons invading from the West. The blue dragons, protectors of the Empire, have vanished. The young Empress has had her official powers shackled by the Mage Council and now she’s asking Ashleigh to go on a dangerous mission in her stead.
Ashleigh is tired, hungry, she smells like onions, she’s been forced to hide in the sewers, she’s being chased by a killer, someone set the Ice River on fire and her only company is a thief, a runner for the Rivichi crime family and a mysterious dwarf.
She has no money and no magic. How will she complete the task the Empress set out for her and help save the Empire?

Available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0777MTSR6

The Russian Connection

The Russian Connection: a history of the Geelen / de Kabath family from 1699 to 1939. Email order only.

The Angel and the Swarm


Readis is a prodigy – a child captain and owner of his own ship – and works for the Angel Delivery Company. He’s trying to be good, fully aware that half his crew are dastardly criminals who are always out to steal or smuggle something. He’s in Station V to deliver parcels.

The Avenger has been sent from the Moon to help Station V prepare for defense against what they believe is an imminent invasion from the Subhutons. Only when they reach Co*in!la’ur, one of the Subhuton ships surrenders.

Readis, sensing trouble, wants to be out of there quickly, but he picks up a stowaway and has to return to the Station.

Only to end up precisely in the wrong place at the wrong time. The Avenger, attempting a rescue, is under attack by the Subhutons and it all goes horribly wrong.

Now they’re stuck out in uncharted space, forced to work together. And they’re not alone out there.

Can Readis get everyone back alive, or will this be a delivery he can’t make?